Plumbers Supply Retains FCG to Conduct Customer Satisfaction Survey
FCG is currently conducting a Customer Satisfaction Survey for Plumbers Supply.
Plumbers Supply is a plumbing and HVAC distributor headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. Plumbers Supply has 12 branch locations in Kentucky and Indiana.
FCG previously conducted a Customer Satisfaction Survey for Plumbers Supply in 2017 and also helped Plumbers Supply to design and implement a Customer Service Guarantee Program.
Jay Johnson, Plumbers Supply’s President, provided FCG with the following testimonial:
“We engaged Farmington Consulting Group for the first time this year to help facilitate a customer survey. We previously administered customer surveys in-house and had decided to try a fresh approach. Not only was the process a lot easier to administer, but FCG was able to compare our results against a huge group of peer distributors and objective data. This answered a lot of the questions we had in the past about our competitive strengths and areas we needed to address. TJ O’Connor did a great job of presenting the findings to our management teams in a constructive way that effectively communicated the positive and negative feedback from our customers, as well as deliver branch-specific action items.”
Jay Johnson, President, Plumbers Supply